Wednesday, October 3, 2018

It has been a 'Pumpkin' Kind of Day

Today has been a day of creating fun.

I was able to finish 5 crocheted and 3 fabric scrap pumpkins. These were so much fun to do and I will probably be back at it some more tomorrow.

How are your fall crafts going? 

May the LORD be with you throughout the night and I will see you back here tomorrow.

In Christ,

Friday, May 9, 2014

Instinct of Prayer

As I read the following quote this morning during my devotional time, I started to focus on what prayer is and what it does for us as believers. 

"The instinct of prayer to us is like the wing of a bird to a bird and the fin of a
 fish to a fish.  The wing of the bird demands the air, the fin of the
 fish demands the water.  The instinct of prayer demands GOD. 
Therefore the only monstrosity of nature, just as much a monstrosity
 as a wingless bird or a finless fish, is the prayerless man or woman,
because the deepest and most real instinct they have is not satisfied."
 ~ Arthur F. Winnington Ingram

Communication is the key to any relationship, whether mortal or immortal.  God has granted us the means by which to join in relationship with Him; one that knows no boundaries.  How often are my prayers said quickly so that I can move on with my days?  Have I gotten to the point that I pray out of obligation or do I fall mercilessly down on my knees and pour out my heart before Him. 

To often, I have found myself on guard during my time with Him.  Reading this, I realized that my deepest instinct is to GET REAL with God, to share my struggles and failures with Him.  He already knows them, so why do I struggle to tell Him about them?  He is the one that can show me the truths about the situations. 

Just maybe by getting real with God, I can start getting real with myself and acknowledge that I don't have to have it all together; that it is ok that I don't know everything and that I can't do it all.  I am just me - human, one woman that struggles with "having and doing it all".

Have you struggled in your prayer time with laying it all out before Him?  Maybe we can change that together today by getting alone with Him and just sharing without hesitation.  Share with Him our shortcomings, fears and failures and then wait for Him to tell us that He loves us just the way we are.

In Christ,

Monday, February 17, 2014

Long Time

Last Fall

WOW, It has been a long time since I have posted anything here in the "Blogging World".  As this year kicks off, I want to be more consistent with sharing our experience here at Scrap Happy Farm.  So stay tuned and I will hopefully get organized and get back to it.